Boston College Pulse

Birthday Wishes

Sharon High-School

More About Our Volunteer Partners:

Boston College Pulse:

The pulse program allows students from Boston College to come in and have some first-hand experience working with the education department here at Casa Nueva Vida. Volunteers will work directly with the children and the director of education to move the educational programs along and help out by educating the homeless community we serve.

We expect students to learn about the adversities that people go through every day. We want students to walk away from our agency with a new appreciation of life and help them realize how fortunate they are to be receiving an education and living a healthy lifestyle.

The students have a wide variety of options at our agency. They can tutor the kids and help them with their homework, assist in our computer classes (given to parents and teens), or assist in ESL classes. The students are free to pick and choose whichever task they are willing to tackle each day. They do not have to commit to one job for the whole year. They can try them all to see which one they would prefer.

Students are expected to develop a sense of leadership, patience, creativity, and commitment. These are all qualities that are needed to deal with people that are in a desperate situation like those at our agency. The students will be able to develop these conditions quickly and further improve throughout the year.

The pulse program is terrific opportunity to help and serve the homeless community in Boston you will have the first-hand experience with the people that are affected and help them forward in their education and their life.


Sharon High School:

The Sharon High School Spanish Club has been visiting Casa Nueva Vida for more than ten years! Each time they visit us, they bring an arts & craft activity, baked goods, and their never-ending energy!

Sharon High School pleasantly surprises us by being so loyal to their commitment to Casa Nueva Vida! They have a commute of about 30 mins, and each time they are well prepared to come and spend time with the children.

Sharon High School’s Spanish Club has genuinely made a difference in our children’s lives by sticking around long-term. They know the kids by name, and they know what they like to do and play.


Birthday Wishes:

The Birthday Wishes Organization has worked with Casa Nueva Vida for a few years. Volunteers come to Casa once a month and help us celebrate the children’s birthdays. They provide cake, drinks, decorations, games, activities, goody bags, and presents for the birthday child/children. The parents are very appreciative of the Birthday Wishes Organization because many of them don’t have the means to throw their party or even provide gifts for their child.